🎚 Optional Settings
In addition to the basic docker-compose.yml
file you can build here, you can also add optional configuration options.
These will allow you to add:
- OAuth authentication (logging via Google, GitHub, etc.)
- SendGrid (emails)
- Sentry (error reporting)
- Google Analytics
- Change the default language (for new users)
- Log SQL queries on the backend
Pick & Choose!
You don't have to use all of these settings, just add the ones you actually need to your existing docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: retrospected/backend:latest
- redis
# -- Change Recommended --
LICENCE_KEY: # This must be provided if you self-host Retrospected. Obtain a licence at https://app.retrospected.com/subscribe?product=self-hosted.
SELF_HOSTED: 'true' # This will make any account "Pro", but only works with a valid LICENCE_KEY
SELF_HOSTED_ADMIN: [email protected] # Enter an admin email here. This person will be the only one able to reset passwords for your organisation.
DB_USER: postgres # Must be the same as POSTGRES_USER above
DB_PASSWORD: postgres # Must be the same as POSTGRES_PASSWORD above
SESSION_SECRET: changeme # Session secret. Can be anything you want, but change the default value
# -- Optional --
REDIS_ENABLED: 'true' # Whether to enable Redis
REDIS_FOR_SOCKETIO_ENABLED: 'false' # Whether Socket.IO uses Redis (set to true when using more than 1 backend replica)
REDIS_PORT: 6379 # Should match the Redis port
REDIS_HOST: redis # Must be the name of the Redis service above
SENTRY_URL: '' # Optional, Sentry URL (https://[email protected]/1234567)
BASE_URL: http://localhost:80 # This must be the URL of the frontend app once deployed. Only useful if you need OAuth, SendGrid or Stripe
SECURE_COOKIES: 'false' # You can set this to true if you are using HTTPS. This is more secure.
DISABLE_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN: 'false' # Set to true to disable anonymous accounts
DISABLE_PASSWORD_LOGIN: 'false' # Set to true to disable password accounts (email accounts).
DISABLE_PASSWORD_REGISTRATION: 'false' # Set to true to disable password accounts registration (but not login!)
DISABLE_ACCOUNT_DELETION: 'false' # Set to true to disable data deletion (GDPR)
DISABLE_SHOW_AUTHOR: 'false' # Set to true to disable the ability to reveal names, even for board owners
# -- AI - Open AI: Set these to enable AI capabilities. This is optional. --
OPEN_AI_API_KEY: '' # To activate AI capabilities, you need to get an API key from https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
OPEN_AI_FREE_LIMIT: 5 # Number of AI calls per rolling month, per user, for non-Pro accounts
OPEN_AI_PAID_LIMIT: 1000 # Number of AI calls per rolling month, per user, for Pro accounts
# -- OAuth: Set these to enable OAuth authentication for one or more provider. This is optional. --
MICROSOFT_TENANT: # This should generally not be set at all.
MICROSOFT_AUTHORIZATION_URL: # This should generally not be set at all.
MICROSOFT_TOKEN_URL: # This should generally not be set at all.
# -- Do not change --
NODE_ENV: production
DB_NAME: retroboard # Must be the same as POSTGRES_DB above
DB_HOST: postgres # Must be the name of the Postgres service above
DB_PORT: 5432 # Don't change this.
BACKEND_PORT: 3201 # Don't change this (or change it in nginx.conf as well)
SQL_LOG: 'false' # Whether to log SQL queries in the console
SENDGRID_API_KEY: # Used for Sendgrid email reminders
SENDGRID_SENDER: # Email to be used as the sender for emails
MAIL_SMTP_HOST: # SMTP server host for sending emails via SMTP (instead of SendGrid)
MAIL_PORT: 465 # SMTP port (usually 465 for secure SMTP)
MAIL_SECURE: true # If SMTP is using encryption, usually via port 465, set this to true
MAIL_USER: # SMTP username (or email)
MAIL_PASSWORD: # SMTP user password
MAIL_SENDER: # SMTP sender email (usually matches MAIL_USER)
MAIL_ALLOW_SELF_SIGNED_CERTS: 'false' # Only set to true if you want to (unsafely) allow an SMTP server with self-signed certificates
STRIPE_SECRET: # Stripe payment account secret
STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET: # Stripe webhook secret
STRIPE_TEAM_PRODUCT: # Stripe product information
STRIPE_TEAM_PRICE: # Stripe product information
STRIPE_UNLIMITED_PRODUCT: # Stripe product information
STRIPE_UNLIMITED_PRICE: # Stripe product information
STRIPE_SELF_HOSTED_PRODUCT: # Stripe product information
STRIPE_SELF_HOSTED_URL_GBP: # Stripe payment page for Self Hosting
STRIPE_SELF_HOSTED_URL_EUR: # Stripe payment page for Self Hosting
STRIPE_SELF_HOSTED_URL_USD: # Stripe payment page for Self Hosting
RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW: 900000 # Rate Limiting window size for expensive requests (in ms)
RATE_LIMIT_MAX: 500 # Rate Limiting max requests per window
RATE_LIMIT_WS_POINTS: 600 # Websocket rate limiting, max messages per duration
RATE_LIMIT_WS_DURATION: 60 # Websocket rate limiting, window duration (in seconds)
WS_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE: 10000 # Max websocket message size in bytes
restart: unless-stopped
driver: 'json-file'
max-size: '50m'
image: retrospected/frontend:latest
- backend
- '80:80' # Change the first 80 to whatever port you want to access Retrospected from
# -- Optional --
FRONTEND_SELF_HOSTED: 'true' # This should be the same on the backend side. True by default.
FRONTEND_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID: '' # Optional, Google Analytics ID (UA-1234456-7)
FRONTEND_GOOGLE_AD_WORDS_ID: '' # Optional, Google Adwords ID (AW-1234456)
FRONTEND_GOOGLE_AD_WORDS_CONVERSION_ID: '' # Optional, Google Adwords Event ID (AW-1234456/1234456)
FRONTEND_SENTRY_URL: '' # Optional, Sentry URL (https://[email protected]/1234567)
FRONTEND_GIPHY_API_KEY: '' # Optional, can be obtained here: https://developers.giphy.com/
FRONTEND_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: 'en-GB' # Set the default language for new users
FRONTEND_MARKETING_ROOT: 'https://www.retrospected.com' # URL of the marketing website
FRONTEND_AI_FEEDBACK_URL: 'http://' # URL of a freeform feedback form for AI feedback
FRONTEND_PRIMARY_COLOR: # List of 14 colours representing the primary color. See documentation.
FRONTEND_SECONDARY_COLOR: # List of 14 colours representing the primary color. See documentation.
FRONTEND_HEADER_PRIMARY_COLOR: # Colour of the header. If not set, the Primary color will be used. See Documentation.
FRONTEND_HEADER_SECONDARY_COLOR: # Secondary Colour of the header. See Documentation.
FRONTEND_LOGO: # image data URL representation of the logo. See documentation.
# -- Do Not Change --
BACKEND_HOST: backend # This should be the name of the backend service
BACKEND_PORT: 3201 # This should be the same as BACKEND_PORT on backend
FRONTEND_STRIPE_KEY: '' # Stripe publishable key (for frontend)
restart: unless-stopped
driver: 'json-file'
max-size: '50m'
image: redis:latest
- postgres
restart: unless-stopped
driver: 'json-file'
max-size: '50m'
image: postgres:16
hostname: postgres
# -- Change Recommended --
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres # Must be the same as DB_PASSWORD below
# -- Optional --
POSTGRES_USER: postgres # Must be the same as DB_USER below
POSTGRES_DB: retroboard # Must be the same as DB_NAME below
- database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
restart: unless-stopped
driver: 'json-file'
max-size: '50m'
image: dpage/pgadmin4:latest
- postgres
- '8080:80' # Change the first 8080 to whatever port you want to access pgAdmin from
# -- Change Recommended --
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: [email protected] # Can be any email or username. This is used to access PGAdmin.
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: admin # Please change this!
- pgadmin:/var/lib/pgadmin
restart: unless-stopped
driver: 'json-file'
max-size: '50m'