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🎨 White-Labelling

When self-hosting your own instance of Retrospected, you have the possibility of customising the colours and the logo so they are more in line with your company's branding.

This is optional

White-Labelling, or customising colours and logo, is entirely optional. You can skip this section if you don't need it.

As an example, we can easily re-brand Retrospected to fit with the British Red Cross colours:

An example of White-Labelling

What can I configure

You have the ability to change 4 details:

  • The Primary colour (this is the colour of most components, purple by default)
  • The Secondary colour (this is the colour of some secondary components, like buttons, pink by default)
  • The Header colour (by default, it takes the primary colour, but you can choose something else)
  • The Logo

How can I configure it

All the following are to be set in the docker-compose.yml file, in the frontend section.

Alternatively, you can set this up using the docker-compose editor here.

The frontend section of your docker-compose.yml file would look similar to this:

image: retrospected/frontend:latest
- backend
- '80:80' # Change the first 80 to whatever port you want to access Retrospected from
FRONTEND_PRIMARY_COLOR: '#ffebee,#ffcdd2,#ef9a9a,#e57373,#ef5350,#f44336,#e53935,#d32f2f,#c62828,#b71c1c,#ff8a80,#ff5252,#ff1744,#d50000'
FRONTEND_SECONDARY_COLOR: '#e8f5e9,#c8e6c9,#a5d6a7,#81c784,#66bb6a,#4caf50,#43a047,#388e3c,#2e7d32,#1b5e20,#b9f6ca,#69f0ae,#00e676,#00c853'

Configure the Primary and Secondary colours

Both the Primary and the Secondary colours are actually a palette of 14 colours.

You can see examples of this here:

You must choose 14 colours, that are each a variation of each other, from very light to very dark.

This is an example with a red-ish colour, as seen in the Red Cross example above:

You will notice that the list of 14 colours is a list of 14 HEX RGB colours, separated by commas.

FRONTEND_PRIMARY_COLOR: '#ffebee,#ffcdd2,#ef9a9a,#e57373,#ef5350,#f44336,#e53935,#d32f2f,#c62828,#b71c1c,#ff8a80,#ff5252,#ff1744,#d50000'

Do the same for the secondary colour, with 14 other colours.


FRONTEND_SECONDARY_COLOR: '#e8f5e9,#c8e6c9,#a5d6a7,#81c784,#66bb6a,#4caf50,#43a047,#388e3c,#2e7d32,#1b5e20,#b9f6ca,#69f0ae,#00e676,#00c853'

Configure the Header colours

The header colour is simpler: it is just two colours, to be defined this way:


The logo can either be a URL (the URL needs to be accessible from your app), or in the Image URI format (recommanded).

In order to get an Image URI, you can use the following service:

You'll be able to transform any JPEG, PNG or SVG image into this text format, and then set it that way:

FRONTEND_LOGO: '[...]+Cg=='

Alternatively, you can set the logo as a URL:


Please ensure your value starts with data:image and ends with ==. The value can be quite long if the image is big.